Friday, September 30, 2011


Hello Helloooo,
The product of this week is something that I am/was deeply afraid of: LASH CURLER. I could spend hours here telling you all the horrible things that have happened to me...the worst was when the "freaking thing" cut my eyelashes right from thebeginning leaving me absolutely "bold" ( eyelash wise ;-) right before a party... Anyways, long story short, I just found this lash curler from Urban Decay. What it is? A sleek lash curler that eliminates one-size-fits-all curling with its open cage design. it is AMAZING. It doesn't pinch your skin, it doesn't hurt you and is easy to manoeuvre...See below the picture of the before and after (left).I hope you like it ad go for the doll lashes ;-). Beijos Paula. 

Where to find it? Sephora.
How much? $20

Hello Helloooo,
O produto dessa semana e uma coisa que eu tenho/tinha MUITO medo : CURVEX. Eu poderia ficar aqui horas contando tudo de ruim que  aconteceu comigo...a pior historia foi quando o "negócio" cortou meus cílios bem rente a raiz e eu fiquei totalmente "careca" de cílios bem antes de ir pra uma festa... Enfim, encurtando a história, eu acabei de descobrir esse curvex da Urban Decay que é O MÁXIMOOOOOOOONão puxa a pele, não te machuca e fácil de usar!!!!  Confira a foto do antes e depois. Espero que goste e ahaze com seus cílios de boneca!!!!! Beijos Paula.

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